Packaging your Expertise in a Tiny Product
I was listening to the $100 MBA Podcast about How to Easily Create a Small Information Product. I really like the idea of building a tiny product in under 12 hours of work to get experience making something and building success in small steps.
Their basic premise is it’s really easy to create a simple product that let’s you share your expertise to help people make a small transformation:
- Create a one-page infographic or cheatsheet in Powerpoint and export it as a PDF
- Write a small ebook in a Word processor and convert it to PDF (or an ebook with Pandoc)
- Create some small videos using any HD camera and a USB microphone
Then you can easily use Gumroad for fulfilment, even for a free product. This is what Sacha Chua used for her excellent No-Excuses Guide to Blogging, and as a buyer it was excellent (and I actually paid for it).
Example Tiny Products
What are some very small products I could create?
- Create a dataset with Common Crawl/Internet Archive
- Setting up a Kaggle-like framework for data science iteration
- Using Fasttext in production
- Finding words that are associated with an outcome
- Diff testing
- Dynamic Rollup Tables with Hyperloglog
- Smart questions for stakeholders when starting an analytics project
- Quickstart to community detection
- Easy deployment for machine learning models
I’m not sure whether I will do any of these, but I could create something for each of them in a week.